Operator Spotlight : Blazenka and Stephen from Photos4fun
This week our operators in the spotlight are Blazenka and Stephen from Sydney's Photos4fun. We recently spent some time with this fun loving couple talking all things photo booths. Photos4fun service Sydney and Wollongong. Here's what they had to say...
When was the first time you can remember being in a photo booth?
Blazenka: I have a photo strip of me with my school friends in a booth when I was thirteen years old. Its funny to think thirty five years later we have our very own booth business.
Stephen: My first time was 29 years ago in a traditional passport photo booth in London when I was getting photos done to travel overseas. It shows how the photo boothing has progressed.
Describe what you believe it is about photo booths which makes them so popular?
Blazenka: In todays world where it's all about being serious. Wearing the right thing, saying the right thing… etc.. The booth allows people to let their hair down and have fun. Not worry about what people think, just allowed to be themselves and its completely acceptable.
What are some of the challenges of running a photo booth hire business?
Blazenka: Balance is the biggest challenge. We love our job, however, we love our family too. Just making sure the balance is right. Our kids are 11 and 14 years old, just getting into that teenage era and we still want to be there with them and want to make sure they don’t feel left out. Most people know that with running a business there isn’t a lot of down time. Especially in today's world of technology when people expect everything now.
Is there a pose that you think should be banned from photo booths and why?
Blazenka: Why ban anything. That’s the best thing about photo booths, being yourself. Being silly.
Stephen: I agree why ban anything. At one of our first events I thought will I need to suggest poses? I quickly realised people don’t need help, we all have a crazy side and the booth releases it. Most poses are silly and funny. It’s great watching people work as a group to come up with different crazy poses.
If you weren't a photo booth operator what would you be doing?
Blazenka: This isn’t our only job, and luckily both Steve and I do what we love. Which for me is the Booth of course, but also Kinesiology. I’ve studied and am a certified Kinesiologist. Steve and I are also in IT and we are both programmers. It sounds like a lot, but it’s quite manageable. Our daytime jobs allow for flexibility. So it allows us to choose our working days and hours which is fantastic.
A massive thanks to Blazenka and Stephen for taking time out of their exceptionally busy schedule to shoot the photo booth breeze with us. So if you're in Sydney or Wollongong and you're after a photo booth be sure to get in contact with Photos4fun!
CLICK HERE to enquire with Photos4fun now!
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(Photo Booth Blogger: Justin Jowett)
Tags: Photos4fun, Operator Spotlight, Spotlight Operator
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