5 Reasons Why Your Photo Booth Biz Needs A Promo Video
Photo booth operators are part of a very competitive service industry where clients are overwhelmed with choice and are looking for anything to help them make their decision easier. Conversely for photo booth business owners you are looking for that edge that tips the scales in your favour to increase your conversion rate and positively impact your bottom line by getting more bookings.
Now in writing this I am not going to tell you that if you make a promo video your revenue is going to double or anything that drastic but what I do know is that having a promo video is one of a no. of tactics you absolutely should be incorporating into your marketing streams. Here are the 5 reasons why your photo booth biz needs a promo video:
- (Moving) Pictures Say More Than Words
- Clients Want To See You In Action
- Helps your SEO
- Sets You Apart From Your Competitors
- Encourages Content Sharing
1. (Moving) Pictures Say More Than Words
In this fast pace age where people see a block of text and either scan it briefly or disregard it altogether it's become increasingly harder to convey to potential clients online how good you are at what you do. Even if they do read your self appraising words they are likely to be taken with not much more than a grain of salt. However footage from a real event showing them a clear representation of all of that cuts through and permeates in to the same potential clients. Many can clearly identify with the people in the footage and are able to imagine themselves and their event in place of what you are showing. Already you are having an emotional connection with them and getting your business well on the way to being one they could seriously see themselves booking.
Example Promo Video - Target Market Weddings
2. Clients Want To See Your Booths and Attendants In Action
A lot of clients even if they don't say so or ask for this sort of thing are concerned (probably due to seeing it done badly at other peoples events) that the booth or attendant they receive might be a dud. A great workaround to alleviate this is to shoot some footage of your attendants and booth in action at a real event and use that to promote a "typical experience" and have it on your website along with a guarantee that all your attendants are trained to provide the same great experience with your awesome booths.
3. Helps Your Websites SEO
Google is constantly updating their algorithms and the way in which they place value on a websites relevancy to anyone who uses their search. In recent years Google has placed an additional weighting on video content. According to Think With Google more than 98% of 18 -34yrs old use video content as part of researching. So what that means is if you want to get your brand more likely to be considered by one of the biggest sectors of the photo booth hiring market you need to have a video they can watch about you which in turn boosts the way Google ranks you and is more likely to put you in front of these people in the first place for consideration.
4. Sets You Apart From Your Competitors
Despite all the aforementioned reasons a lot of boothers still haven't cottoned on to creating their promo videos. Do a little local area marketing research for yourselves and see how many of your direct competitors have a promo video. I bet you it's not many! If you start now you'll get a head start and you'll absolutely be more likely to be remembered by your potential clients as this will be a way in which they can differentiate you from the rest.
Example Promo Video - Target Market Corporate
5. Encourages Content Sharing
Content is King and hopefully by now you're seeing that for yourself and people love to share good content with their family, friends and followers especially via social media. To really maximise this fact you need to make sure you allow your promo to be easily shared. The best way to do this is to host your video on a third party service, Photobooth Finder uses and recommends YouTube but there are plenty of others to choose from. The beauty of these sites is that their built in social sharing integration makes it so easy for your clients to share your content via a variety of social and direct channels. This is a really good thing for your business for a whole host of reasons (Helps SEO, Drives Traffic and Sales, It's free....)
So have I convinced you? If you're about to set of on your video making journey like all things make sure whether you decide to create your own or pay a pro to do it for you that it's executed well to get the maximum benefit.
Happy Boothin!
Disclaimer: While every caution has been taken to provide readers with most accurate information and honest analysis, please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog. Author will not compensate you in any way whatsoever if you ever happen to suffer a loss/inconvenience/damage because of/while making use of information in this blog.
(Photo Booth Blogger: Justin Jowett)
(Video Credit: Chris Wong "Open Booths" Photo Booth Hire Sydney and Melbourne)
Tags: Why You Need A Promo Video, Photo Booth Operators, Marketing And Sales
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