Photo Booth Memes Part 3
Everyone loves to laugh at a good meme so I have been at it again and created some more for your enjoyment.
Feel free to share around but as always it's the photo booth operators who will find these the most humorous!

Enjoyed our photo booth memes? Be sure to check out our other memes HERE and HERE
CLICK HERE to start your photo booth search
(Photo Booth Blogger: Justin Jowett)
About Justin Jowett
Justin is the Founder of Photobooth Finder and a serial photo booth blogger. Whilst no longer running PBF he is still involved in a consultancy capacity helping new owner Tom Hirst.
He is also the Organiser of the Australian Photo Booth Expo "BoothCon". He also owns and runs "Booth Cover" Australia's only dedicated photo booth industry insurance business. Previous to this he ran a successful photo booth hire business of his own in Brisbane from 2010 - 2014 and is well known and respected in the Australian Photo Booth Industry.
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