Oz Photo Booth Industry Snapshot 2017
Following on from the previous part of this blog series "Australian Photo Booth Industry Snapshot" here is the rest of the survey along with an analysis on the state of our industry.
The first half of the survey focused on day to day operational things like pricing and how many booths operators have, but in part 2 the survey delves into industry growth asking if operators are profitable, looking to expand and how much longer they plan to keep boothing....
The fascinating results of the Australian PB Industry Survey Part 2
Analysis of Results
Some things are extremely clear like 95% of all operators are single branch operations, just 5% operator multiple branches. 34% work full time in another job and 30% work full time as boothers, interestingly just 16% identify as being stay at home parents who also booth. I would have thought this figure would have been slightly higher. Two thirds of all boothers just booth with a third also offering ancillary services mainly DJ and Photography. Very happy to see nearly 70% report to have a profitable business and 57% are looking to expand their operation and spend on average 10K on a new booth. Most pleasing to see is just 8% of operators are planning to sell now or within 12 months. Overwhelmingly most operators are planning to stick around with 80% wanting to be boother for years to come.
What this all tells me is that the average boother is making money, growing their business and wants to be around for the medium to long term. Combine this with the results from part 1 and the sentiment is extremely positive out there in Oz booth land and we should all feel pretty good about where things are headed.
Where to from here?
With such drive and desire please make sure you get along to BoothCon's amazing line up of seminars to help you learn, grow and achieve further success from those that are industry leaders. For those of you looking to buy a new booth or other products there is no better place to see and compare all the best manufacturers and suppliers.
Happy Boothin!
Tags: Photo Booth Industry Survey, State Of The Photo Booth Industry, Photo Booth Industry Snapshot